Compassion and Spice, Character and Life- that’s what Doulas are made of.

%22Life is too short to be small%22

Newsflash: You Rock. Not only do you juggle birth work, business building, and family life, but you look hella good while doing it. You lose sleep, time, and energy in the pursuit of your passion on the reg. You earn.every.dollar. You stay updated. You create valuable content. You tweet, Facebook, and Canva #likeaboss. You have chosen a career path that is both incredibly taxing and incredibly rewarding, and you are awesome at it.

Here’s something I hope you remember amidst all that.

Our community is tiny. With so few of us out to serve so many, choose not to waste those precious resources of time, energy, and emotional well-being targeting each other because of our differences. Choose to rise above the nonsense and spread the good. Focus on growth, love, and success. It takes years to build a reputation, and minutes to break one.

So let’s hear it for the movers and the shakers, the rock stars, the keepers, the sisters, the pros and the newlas.

Have you been doula crushing on an amazing member of our community? Let’s do some #doulacrush shoutouts on social media this week to build each other up and bring back the happy.

“We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community…Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.” — Cesar Chavez


Dearest Doula

Dearest Doula Podcast Episode 25

dearest doula, podcast, birth worker, Nathalie Saenz

Elaine Stillerman is a licensed massage therapist who pioneered working with pregnant women in 1980. She went on to develop ‘Mother Massage’, a professional training course. Elaine is the author of four highly acclaimed books, and has written articles for numerous venues such as massage magazine and midwifery today, for whom she is a regular presenter. Elaine recently came on the Dearest Doula podcst to share her knowledge regarding ‘The Benefits of Prenatal and Postpartum Massage’ in todays episode.


Dearest Doula Community, elaine shares valuable insight into ‘the benefits of prenatal and postpartum massage therapy’ on dearest doula today! Click HERE to listen on itunes, or simply press play!

In this Episode we discuss:

Benefits of Prenatal and Postpartum Massage 

Contraindications for Prenatal and Postpartum Massage

Massage Therapy vs. Prenatal Massage Therapy

The ‘Nitty Gritty’ of Prenatal and Postpartum Massage

Steps YOU can take to put what you’ve heard into action

Elaine’s favorite Quotes:

“Work smart not hard”


“I’m emphatic about lymphatic”

 Elaine’s recommended resources & interview links:

Anything by Penny Simkin

Mother Massage: A Handbook for Relieving the Discomforts of Pregnancy
-Elaine Stillerman, LMT

 Prenatal Massage: A Textbook of Pregnancy, Labor, and Postpartum Bodywork
-Elaine Stillerman, LMT

Dearest Doula Community, I LOVE Audio books and have teamed up with Audible to give you the great opportunity to get a free audiobook like these for free! Click here to Try Audible and Get A Free Audiobook

 You can connect with Elaine through her website today! 

Lastly, if you enjoyed this episode please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review the show on iTunes. By doing so you will be automatically updated when new episodes air, and will also be helping to get word of the podcast to other birth workers. This show was made for people like you, and I value your input!

Until next time, my dearest doula community, have a wonderful day!


Dearest Doula

7 Things That Happen When You Become a Birth Worker

You are in awe of and simultaneously terrified during every full & blue moon. If your birth bag wasn’t in your car already, it is now.

New moon? Check. Birth bag? Check.

New moon? Check. Birth bag? Check.

Your eyeballs hurt from rolling so hard at every television and movie depiction of childbirth.

C'mon hollywood. Sheesh.

C’mon hollywood. Sheesh.

Even the most totes-adorbs of baby strollers lose their charm. Baby wearing is where it’s at.

Photo credit_

Your kids preschool teacher somewhat sheepishly informs you that your kid was blabbing on about breastfeeding and “um-belly-cole cords” during class, and you feel a total #fistbumpmoment is in order. That kid deserves some frozen yogurt.

You begin to seriously consider getting one of those rad oxytocin tattoos, but could easily also settle for some gorgeous jewelry.

Photo credit_

Kellymom, ICAN, and EvidenceBasedBirth are all bookmarked in your browser.

And the list goes on...

And the list goes on…

You have a deepened respect and appreciation for the female body. You root for every mom, in every circumstance.

You cry and you smile and you inwardly scream at times, but you wouldn’t trade what you do for because

Birth Work is the Best Work.
Photo credit: Emery Co.  Photo

Photo credit: Emery Co. Photo

Dearest Doula Podcast Episode 23

Nathalie Saenz doula podcast, birth work, new doula,

In this episode, doula, IBCLC, Bradley birth method child educator, and La Leche League Leader Tina Castellanos outlines the history and resources the ‘La Leche League’ has to offer to both birth workers and their clients. Tina is an extraordinary woman- a mother of three who divides her time between family, birth work, and spreading birth awareness with others. It was an honor and a pleasure to speak with her and learn about the fascinating and humbling beginnings of this great organization.

Dearest Doula Community, tina shares valuable insight into ‘la leche league’ on dearest doula today! Click HERE to listen on itunes, or simply press play!

In this Episode we discuss:

Brief history of ‘La Leche League’ 

How ‘La Leche League’ has grown and developed over time

How to become a ‘La Leche League’ Leader

Steps YOU can take to get connected with ‘La Leche League’

Misconceptions regarding ‘La Leche League’ 

 Tina’s recommended resources & interview links:

‘Womanly Art of Breastfeeding’La Leche League International

‘Sweet Sleep: Nighttime and Naptime Strategies for the Breastfeeding Family ‘

 La Leche League International

‘Dr. Jack Newman’s Guide to Breastfeeding’ 
-Jack Newman

‘The Breastfeeding Mother’s Guide to Making More Milk: Foreword by Martha Sears, RN’
-Diana West

Dearest Doula Community, I LOVE Audio books and have teamed up with Audible to give you the great opportunity to get a free audiobook like these for free! Click here to Try Audible and Get A Free Audiobook

 You can connect with La Leche League here, on Facebook and Twitter

You can also connect with Tina through her  website today!

Lastly, if you enjoyed this episode please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review the show on iTunes. By doing so you will be automatically updated when new episodes air, and will also be helping to get word of the podcast to other birth workers. This show was made for people like you, and I value your input!

Until next time, my dearest doula community, have a wonderful day!


Dearest Doula

Dearest Doula Podcast Episode 21

Podcast interview with Nathalie Saenz and Dr. Mai HeathIn this episode we’re talking doula teams with the absolutely delightful Dr. Mai, our first official repeat guest. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out Dr. Mai’s Birth Worker Feature, where we discuss the highs, lows, and lessons learned on her journey to becoming a birth worker.  Dr. Mai was so sweet to return to the show and share her tips and resources for creating smart and strategic ‘doula teams’  with the Dearest Doula community.

Dearest Doula Community, Dr. Mai shares valuable insight into ‘Doula Teams’ on dearest doula today! Click HERE to listen on itunes, or simply press play!

In this Episode we discuss:

Different types of ‘doula teams’

What you should look for when finding other doulas to work with

Things to be aware of before teaming up with other doulas

Dr. Mai’s advice to doulas

Dr. Mai’s recommended resources & interview links:

In addition to the resources Dr. Mai recommended in her last interview,

she also recommends checking out the website Evidence Based Birth.

Dearest Doula Community, I LOVE Audio books and have teamed up with Audible to give you the great opportunity to get an audiobook like these for free! Click here to Try Audible and Get A Free Audiobooks

 You can connect with Dr. Mai via





Or simply check out her website.

Looking for more? Don’t forget to check out the FREE webinar Dr. Mai is hosting with the Birth Institute.  You can register for this amazing event here.

There will also be an opportunity to send Dr. Mai live tweets during the webinar! Simply add the hashtag #LDPhysMed to your tweet so that Dr. Mai can access your questions.

Lastly, if you enjoyed this episode please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review the show on iTunes. By doing so you will be automatically updated when new episodes air, and will also be helping to get word of the podcast to other birth workers. This show was made for people like you, and I value your input!

Until next time, my dearest doula community, have a wonderful day and remember Dr. Mai’s quote from the show, “To each their reach!”.


Dearest Doula

Dearest Doula Podcast Episode 19

podcast interview featuring Nathalie Saenz and Bonita Katz

It was both an incredible honor and incredible fun interviewing Birth Doula Program Chair Bonita “Bonnie” Katz of the ICEA. She is full of passion and a remarkable kindness- even going so far as to switch out of a squeaky chair before the show to ensure that our listeners get top-notch audio quality! In this episode Bonnie shares with us the early beginnings of the International Childbirth Education Association, how much they have grown since, and some of the amazing programs they are offering for birth workers today.

Dearest Doula Community, Bonnie shares valuable insight into The ‘ICEA’ on dearest doula today! Click HERE to listen on itunes, or simply press play!

In this Episode we discuss:

Brief overview on history of ‘ICEA’

What Makes ‘ICEA’ unique

‘ICEA’ Birth Doula Training Process

‘ICEA’ Postpartum Doula Training Process

Steps YOU can take to get connected with ‘ICEA’

 Bonnie’s recommended resources & interview links:

Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn (4th Edition): The Complete Guide
Penny Simkin

ICEA Website

ICEA Birth Doula Certification Pathways

ICEA Postpartum Doula Certification Pathways

How To Find an ICEA Trainer

ICEA’s Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram

Lastly, they are doing some pretty amazing thing for Military Mothers which you can read more about here.

Dearest Doula Community, I know you LOVE Audio books and have teamed up with Audible to give you the great opportunity to get an audiobook like these for free! Click here to Try Audible and Get A Free Audiobook

 You can connect with Bonnie 

through her Facebook Business Page today!

Lastly, if you enjoyed this episode please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review the show on iTunes. By doing so you will be automatically updated when new episodes air, and will also be helping to get word of the podcast to other birth workers. This show was made for people like you, and I value your input!

Until next time, my dearest doula community, have a wonderful day!


Dearest Doula

Dearest Doula Podcast Episode 17

Dearest Doula podcast with Nathalie Saenz featuring Dr. Vivian Keeler

We recently had Dr. Vivian Keeler, Vice President of the ‘Hypnobirthing Institute’ on the show, where she outlined the fascinating history and philosophy behind the ‘Hypnobirthing Institute’. We discussed different pathways towards aligning yourself with the ‘Hypnobirthing Institute’ as well as other amazing resources. It was a joy to speak with Dr. Keeler, her passion for her work shines in this episode!

Dearest Doula Community, Dr. Keeler shares valuable insight into the ‘Hypnobithing Institute’ philosophy and training programs on dearest doula today! Click HERE to listen on itunes, or simply press play!

In this Episode we discuss:

Amazing history and growth of ‘Hypnobirthing Institute’

‘Pain Management’ vs ‘Pain Prevention’

Certification Paths for becoming a ‘Hypnobirthing Institute’ Practitioner

Steps YOU can take to get connected with ‘Hypnobirthing Institute’

Dr. Keeler’s recommended resources & interview links:

‘Hypnobirthing: The Mongan Method: a natural approach to a safe, easier, more comfortable birthing’– Marie F. Mongan

‘Rainbow Relaxation’ – Marie F. Mongan

‘Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor’s Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices’
-Sarah Buckley

‘Childbirth Without Fear: The Principles and Practice of Natural Childbirth’ 
-Grantly Dick-Read

Dearest Doula Community, I LOVE Audio books and have teamed up with Audible to give you the great opportunity to get an amazing audiobook like these for free! Click here to Try Audible and Get A Free Audiobook

 You can connect with the ‘Hypnobirthing Institute’ : 

through their website- ‘Hypnobirthing Institute’,

through their Facebook,

 or follow them on Twitter.

You can also connect directly with Dr. Keeler through her email:

Lastly, if you enjoyed this episode please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review the show on iTunes. By doing so you will be automatically updated when new episodes air, and will also be helping to get word of the podcast to other birth workers. This show was made for people like you, and I value your input!

Until next time, my dearest doula community, keep Dr. Keeler’s favorite quote in mind:

“If we hope to create a non-violent world where respect and kindness replace fear and hatred, we must begin with how we treat each other at the beginning of life. For that is where our deepest patterns are set. From these roots grow fear and alienation – or love and trust.”
— Suzanne Arms


Dearest Doula

Dearest Doula Podcast Episode 15

Doula podcast with doula trainer

In this episode we’re talking about the Cornerstone doula training process with the absolutely delightful Nickie Tilsner! A Certified Doula with over 16 years of experience,  Nickie is also a Co-Founder & Trainer for Cornerstone. In this episode we take a close look at the Cornerstone philosophy and modules- which are both unique and amazing.

Dearest Doula Community, Nickie shares valuable insight into ‘Cornerstone’ on dearest doula today! Click HERE to listen on itunes, or simply press play!


In this Episode we discuss:

Brief history and development of ‘Cornerstone’

‘Cornerstone’ training modules and outline

Steps YOU can take to align yourself with ‘Cornerstone’

Nickie’s recommended resources & interview links:

‘Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor’s Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices’– Sarah Buckley

‘Your Best Birth: Know All Your Options, Discover the Natural Choices, and Take Back the Birth Experience’ -Ricki Lake

‘Natural Health after Birth: The Complete Guide to Postpartum Wellness’ Aviva Jill Romm  

 ‘Natural Health after Birth: The Complete Guide to Postpartum Wellness’– Aviva Jill Romm

Dearest Doula Community, I LOVE Audio books and have teamed up with ‘Audible’ to give you the great opportunity to get an audiobook like these for free! Click here to Try Audible and Get A Free Audiobook

 You can connect with Nickie via her website,

her email,

Or via cell @ (510) 501-7501.

Lastly, if you enjoyed this episode please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review the show on iTunes. By doing so you will be automatically updated when new episodes air, and will also be helping to get word of the podcast to other birth workers. This show was made for people like you, and I value your input!

Until next time, my dearest doula community, have a wonderful day and remember Nickie’s quote from renowned french Obstetrician and childbirth specialist Michel Odent, “I have been taught where women are free, we will learn how they give birth best. They will show us. They will trust us. Look at them and listen closely”.


Dearest Doula

Dearest Doula Podcast Episode 13


In this episode, Doula trainer and program developer Maria Pokluda outlines the ‘Birth Boot Camp’ doula training process. Maria is an extraordinary woman- a mother of four who divides her time between family, serving clients, and training doulas so that they can properly gain a firm grasp on the importance of relational support when it comes to serving our clients.

Dearest Doula Community, Maria shares valuable insight into ‘birth boot camp’ on dearest doula today! Click HERE to listen on itunes, or simply press play!

In this Episode we discuss:

Brief history of ‘Birth Boot Camp’

Common topics/issues to covered ‘Birth Boot Camp’ raining

Steps YOU can take to get connected with ‘Birth Boot Camp’

 Maria’s recommended resources & interview links:

‘Cut It Out: The C-Section Epidemic in America’– Theresa Morris

Birth Boot Camp

Dearest Doula Community, I LOVE Audio books and have teamed up with Audible to give you the great opportunity to get two audiobooks like these for free! Click here to Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks

 You can connect with Maria 

through Birth Boot Camp,

 or via her website today!

Lastly, if you enjoyed this episode please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review the show on iTunes. By doing so you will be automatically updated when new episodes air, and will also be helping to get word of the podcast to other birth workers. This show was made for people like you, and I value your input!

Until next time, my dearest doula community, have a wonderful day!


Dearest Doula

Dearest Doula Podcast Episode 12


Hillary Melchiors is a birth doula, and owner of ‘The Doula Group of Evansville’, serving clients in the Tri-State area. She also holds her PhD in Medical Anthropology, as well as a Masters in Public Health. Our interview was full of giggles and value, I am so glad she made the time to come onto ‘Dearest Doula’ to share her journey with us.

Dearest Doula Community, Hillary shares her valuable insights and journeys on dearest doula today! Click here to listen on itunes or simply press play below!

Moment of Struggle

When a client experiences a Pre-PROM and suffers a loss, Hillary finds herself questioning her line of work. Listen in to find out how she overcame this struggle and uses it to her advantage now!

“I was meant to be right here, right now”

Hillary spoke my three favorite words in this segment- “Every.Single.Time.”

Recommended Resources & Interview Links

Maternal Fetal Health Task Force

‘Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring For Self While Caring For Others’-Laura Van Dernoot Lipsky

Want to find these books in audio form, and others like them? Try Audible and Get A Free Audiobook

You can connect with Hillary through her Facebook, or personal website here

If you enjoyed todays episode, I invite you to subscribe, rate, and review the show on iTunes. What you think matters, and I value your feedback. Until next time dearest readers , have a wonderful day!


Dearest Doula